Saturday, October 06, 2012

Our School of Fish

A school holiday activity with my son, two nephews and mum. All three boys picked their own fabrics and even used the sewing machine. We love the way they turned out and plan to do more as we have lots of other ideas.

Post Update: Several people have asked for a pattern for these fish so I have made one. It is listed on Etsy. I hope that you like it!!!


  1. Hello! I am the Education Manager at the Swedish American Museum in Chicago. In our museum, we have a basket of fish for the children to cook. Ours are made of painted canvas to look realistic. They are, sadly, starting to fall apart. I am a non sewer, but have friends who do sew, and I am looking for a pattern for a fish much like the ones featured here. I have searched and just can't find any patterns! I was wondering if you would perhaps sell the pattern? Or lead me in the direction of the pattern? Thank you in advance for any direction you can give me! I can inbox you my email address, but I'm not quite sure where to do that.

    1. Hi,

      Sorry about my delayed response but I have just made a pattern for these fish. It sounds like a great activity that you do with the kids. If you would like to get the pattern I have listed it on Etsy....


    2. Free simple pattern from Ann Woods, available on line- the boys did a great job!
