Back to my 'Paris' trousse. I've designed a few different ones of these I just love them (others not complete yet). Rather than making just a needlecase this one has a decent sized pocket which can fit a small hoop, trim, scissors and so on. I used some beautiful linen/hemp blend fabric I bought at the antique market. I was going to sell the fabric in my shop but I love the weight and texture so much I decided to use some of it. I do have a three yard piece which is similar which I am selling though. The trim is handmade and antique as well. The other fabrics on the front I bought from this great seller on Etsy 'Homestead treasures', love, love, love her stuff! Inside I used a beautiful wool felt I buy here in Italy for needles and pins, the pocket is a wonderful Japanese linen. Then I embellished with some lovely cross stitch.
Very nice.