
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Very busy

I haven't posted for a really long time but I have been busy! I've been working on an order and still have to make 6 bibs and then I'm done! With some items I made a few extra for my shop. So here are some the goodies I have completed. It was quite difficult as we have had a heat wave here in Italy and i go bananas when it's humid!!!

20 broaches made as pretty flowers. I love these on dresses, bags hair clips, head bands, hair elastics and so on.

Star wangs, I made 6 of these in different colours.

Necklaces for little girls.
8 headbands all different

10 felt hairclips
10 hair elastics

6 bunnies, love the way these colours turned out.


  1. You sure have been busy!
    Everything is gorgeous!

  2. Everything is lovely! I think we need necklaces in your shop :)

  3. Lindos trabalhos

  4. Oh my goodness, i've just love your blog & i'm in awe. Your work is sooooo pretty & creative, will def be a regular visitor!!!
    Karen :)

  5. i love the bunnies really cute xxx
