
Saturday, July 09, 2011

New Softies

I have been working on some new softies designs with the ultimate aim to put some on Etsy and sell them. I have 17 different designs ready to sew. These are the first two which will both go to my son. I need to tweak my pattern a little bit before I can start selling. I am happy with 'Charlie the Crocodile' but 'Fletch the Cat' needs some alterations. I have about 19 cut out so far and just need to sew them up. I hope that look as good as I have pictured in my head!! Let's see! I am hoping to have some in my Etsy shop next week. I will post on our blog when they are there. There are a couple more pictures on Flickr.


  1. Love, love, love, love them! can'twait to see more I want one too!

  2. I love them too! I think they're going to be big hits!!

  3. They both look so fine and beautiful!!

  4. LoVe!!! Get sewing I think I NEED one!! x
