
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quilt Progress

I have been on holidays for a couple of weeks so have spent some time trying to piece my quilt together. It has been quite difficult as I didn't plan this quilt and have just been making random blocks. My inspiration came from a whole heap of places including quilt books- especially Japanese ones, online tutorials- I made a few Farmers wife blocks, BOM's that I had previously purchased but hadn't made up, images on Flickr- a great source of inspiration and other peoples quilts. I still have a few things to add like leaves to the Hexi flowers.

I still have a lot to do as this is going to be a very large that will cover a Queen size bed. I had some new fabric arrive the other day and am looking forward to including some in the quilt. I have used so many different fabrics including a lot my my little scraps. The hardest part is going to be quilting it. I am not sure how I will do that yet but know that I want to do some in perle coloured thread so some of the features stand out.


  1. Love your new blog look. That quilt is beautiful but it looks like so much work. Love all the colors.

  2. That is so awesome it hurts a little! I pinned it!

  3. i absolutely LOVE this quilt! lovely blog:)
