
Saturday, February 11, 2012

More goodies I've been working on

I have been quite productive lately - I'll be honest it's been snowing here for nearly 2 weeks (unbelievable!) so school has been closed and I've been at home!!! Poor Lulu if she doesn't see a friend soon I think she'll loose it!

My sister Sas found the link on our blog to make houses for Japan so I thought I'd make one. So this is what I came up with. I used pretty soft colours, some vintage
fabric and appliqued flowers. I hope they have room for one more house!

I also have many baby rattles and softies half prepared so here's one finished a cute dog.I also made a pretty lavender sachet in the shape of a heart. I used gorgeous vintage fabric and embellished it with a simple layered flower. So much fun to make! I have more goodies in the works so will be back blogging soon!