
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tote patchwork with hedgehog embroidery

I haven't been blogging as frequently as usual but I have been busy! In the last 2 weeks I've started so many diffrent projects! I hope to slowly finish them off over the next week or so.

I've designed some new totes which I think will turn out really well. I'm totally inspired by my new fabrics and I'm pleased to say I have more on the way!! So I finished the first tote this morning and just love it. Talk about Japanesi! I've used Japanese linen cotton fabrics and my embroidered hedgehog is definitely inspired by Japanese applique, embroidery and fabric.

Stay tuned for the next tote which will be ready soon. Oh and I'm getting ready for Chistmas and have other cute surpises on their way (begun but not finished!).


  1. Tudo muito lindo!!Parabéns!! beijossssss

  2. Rachel, I simply LOVE your work!!!! It is a pleasure to come here!!!
    Love, Bela

  3. kathkeen.j@aliceadsl.frOctober 3, 2011 at 1:59 AM

    BONJOUR, je regarde votre travail et c'est très beau. Vendez vous vous créations pour les enfants ?
    puis je en commander ?
    Ou alors vendez vous les patrons pour que je puisse en faire? merci de me renseigner.
