
Friday, June 03, 2011

Zakka Style

Well it's time to tell you my exciting news - one of my projects has been featured in this new wonderful book 'Zakka Style'. Fabulous Rashida Coleman (Iheartlinen) has organised this great book with a whole collection of talented artists. I just can't believe that one of my projects has been included in this group. The book is being published by Stash books and is due out in December 2011. I can't wait to see it and I definitely love and want to make the fab baskets on the cover! I'm still pinching myself!!


  1. The cover looks fantastic Rach!! That's so exciting. I can't wait to get a copy!!!

  2. ooh, me, too. I'm in it too, and now that I can see some other projects I can't believe I made it in the book. congratulations to you! xo amy

  3. Congratulations, that is wonderful!
