
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Great idea for fabric covered ring binders

Recently I finally decided to start working on one of my ideas for my fabric covered ring binders. I have several that I use for my Etsy store but I had been wanting to use one for my recipes.

This is an example of what they look like covered, this one is available in my store here.

They look really great all in a row!

My recipes are mixed, some from my mum, some from my mother in law and many from Pinterest or around the web. They were all just shoved in the cupboard in a great mess. It was impossible to find anything! Does anyone else have that problem??

I could have left it simple like this! 

Since I've been working with paper lately I decided to get on with it and do something a little more fancy and fun! 

I really had no idea how to go about this and was really feeling perplexed! So I thought why not approach it in steps. First I chose papers I liked and some digital kits!

Then I tuned to my You Tube friends for help. Best thing I ever did, they came up with so many ideas. I had to write them down in a notebook!

The video is here:

Due to all of the advice and encouragement from these wonderful ladies I've made a start on my recipe binder. Now there are no more loose print outs flying around the cupboard so that's a plus! I have a way to go and am still figuring it out as I go but am very pleased with progress so far!

Progress video here: 

Here are some photos of a couple of pages.

I was thinking this is a lovely recipe binder that will be my daughter's one day!

Thanks for reading,
 best wishes Rachel 
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  1. Veramente una bella idea e molto utile. La stoffa รจ molto graziosa. Dovrei fare anch'io la stessa cosa, troppi fogli volanti in giro e fuori dalle credenze.

    1. Gracie Mille Marta! E' an he molto divertente!

  2. Oh my gosh I LOVE THESE!

