Mum and I went to the stitches and craft show last weekend. The best part about the show was the top floor where they had a whole bunch of crafters with little stalls. There was some great stuff.
Some of the stalls I liked were- Rourke and Henry, I loved their owls.
Another stand I loved was DearFii. I have seen her stuff before on Etsy and Flickr. My little boys loves her monsters. I need to buy the pattern to make one for Jamie.
Dudley Redhead is a great designer who makes the cutest characters to put on cards, badges and carve in rubber stamps. My little boy bought a sweet little robot badge for his demin jacket.
PippiJoe designs some beautiful screenprinted textiles. They are something a little different and unique.
Lino Creative makes some beautiful designs. Have a look at her website.
Mona Alisa Design makes the most fantastic fabric birds and paintings. I am waiting for more stuff to be added to her etsy shop so I can buy some. Amitie is a fabric supplier who has the most beautiful range of fabrics at the show. Everytime I go to a craft fair, I always buy lots from them. I bought this most beautiful pattern for a donkey cusion. Will blog it when I get it made.
Winterwood has supplies for making toys. They have fantastic felt.
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