I finally finished Lucy's dolls house. It's been a bit of a rush job because Lucy has been home sick a lot from school. As it is part of her Christmas present I couldn't work on it whilst she was home. The idea came from mum she wanted to buy her a Le Toy van house but they are very expensive. I happened to find a little wooden cupboard at my art supply shop for 18 euro. can't beat that price!!! My husband's uncle is a cabinet maker so he cut the windows for me and put on the pitched roof. As it turns out it is almost the exact same measurements as the Le Toy Van house mum wanted to buy. I painted the house, glued papers on the wall (not very well in too much of a hurry), made flower boxes, shutters and curtains and then decorated the roof. All in all the overall effect is great we have bought some of the Le Toy van furniture and dolls to go inside. I made the felt could the dolly's sitting on! I am also making some little embroidered felt rugs to put inside. Anyway it's finally wrapped and next to the tree, I tucked it away as best I can. Of course Lucy came home yesterday and said 'what's that mummy a house??'. I mean really how cluey are these kids she's only three years old and already figuring out her presents based on shape!! Scarey! Few more images on flickr
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